The Department of Human Resource Development strives to help Tribal families and Individuals achieve self-sufficiency by providing support, compassion, hope, and guidance. Support is given through sustenance income, childcare, parenting, food, employment, training, counseling, life planning, and transportation as they transition to a more stable environment.
Department Head: Patricia Courchane
Phone: (406) 675-2700 ext. 1038
Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:00am – 5:30pm

Our Work
At the Department of Human Resource Development, we are dedicated to fostering self-sufficiency within our community. We understand that every journey is unique, and we stand ready to provide the support and resources needed to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
Our work is driven by compassion, respect, and a commitment to preserving our cultural heritage. We believe that by empowering our Tribal families and individuals, we strengthen our community as a whole.
Together, we strive to create a brighter and more prosperous future for all.
The Department of Human Resource Development is proud to serve the CSKT membership, CSKT 1st Generation and Member’s from other Tribes by providing a wide range of essential programs and services aimed at enhancing the well-being, opportunities, and prosperity of our community.

Divisions & Programs
- Community Support Division
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- Child Care Block Grant (CCBG)
- Community Support Program
- General Assistance (GA)
- Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)
- Office of Community Support (OCS)
- Native Employment Works (NEW)
- Families FirstBIA Job Placement & Training (BIA J&T)
- Dire Need
- Tribal Child Support Enforcement Program (TCSEP)
- Commodities Program
- Elder Services Division
- Caregivers
- Home Visiting
- Adult Protection Services
- Snow Plowing & sidewalk shoveling
- Wood cutting, lawn moving & weed eating
- Minor home repairs and maintenance
- Senior Citizen Centers
- Transit Division
- Four (4) Commute Routes
- Medical Transportation
- Work Transportation
- Wheelchair access
- Off Reservation Travel with Jefferson Lines
- Social Service Division
- Child Protection Services (CPS)
- Foster Parent Licensing
- Foster Care
- Second Circle Lodge
- Finance & Grants Division