Flathead Youth Council – A leadership group comprised of High School students from across the Flathead Reservation.
Director: Michelle Mitchell
Staff: Selina Oshanee Kenmille
Phone: (406) 675-2700 ext. 1109
Email: info@cskteducation.org
Hours: Mon-Thu 7:00am – 5:30pm

Our Work
The Flathead Youth Council consists of youth from reservation high schools that want to make a difference in their communities and be a voice for the youth. Michelle Mitchell at the Tribal Education department wanted to bring youth together in a productive and meaningful way to empower them. She would rather follow their lead and assist them if they need it rather than tell them what to do.
When the group got together in the beginning stages of forming, they wanted to plan and put on community events. The ambitious group hoped to put on a powwow, stick game tournament, and a 3-on-3 basketball tournament throughout the year. Fundraisers for events take place on a regular basis for the group members.