The forestry mission is to promote perpetually productive ecosystems for future generations in accordance with goals of the Confederated Salish, Pend dOreille, and Kootenai Tribes. We will prescribe and implement sound silvicultural treatments to promote forest health and return forest lands to near pre-settlement, fire maintained forest structures. Our decisions will be based on Tribal social and economic needs, as well as sound scientific and ecological principles
Department Director: Stephen McDonald
Phone: (406) 676-3755
Fax: (406) 676-3756
Email: cskt.forestry@cskt.org
Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:00am – 5:30pm

Our Work
Forestry is a Tribal Preference employer who has many opportunities for employment. We hire greenhouse workers, thinners, tree planters, Forestry Aides,Techs and Foresters. The Fire management also hires individual for fuels and fire crews. Forestry advertises job openings in the Char-Koo-Sta. If interested please apply or come to our work sites and ask about upcoming opportunities.
The Forestry Department is proud to serve the CSKT membership by providing revenue and employment opportunities to the Tribal public. We employee many seasonal and year–round jobs. Our services include offering small and large sale offerings and also project based contracts for bid. Our Allotment Forester can provide advice and assistance to Allottees about timber on their allotments. The Fire management staff can provide information and advice about how to prepare your property if you live in an area that may be susceptible to wild fire. If you have questions about the forest or Forestry, please don’t hesitate to ask. We also are available to present to the public or schools about Fire Management or Forestry.

Divisions & Programs
- Timber Sales Program
- Sale Planning
- Sale Administration
- Forest Management and Inventory Program
- Permits Office
- Allotment Forester
- Forest Development Program
- Greenhouses
- Reforestation
- Division of Fire
- Fire Prevention
- Prescribed Fire and Fuels
- Wildlands Fire Operations
- Disaster Emergency Services
Event & Permit Dates
The Commercial Free-use Permits ( ie. Xmas Trees, Fuelwood, post and Pole, ect.) are based on the fiscal year (October 1st to September 30th)
You may request Xmas Tree Permits starting October 1st.
The Fire Management Division has a Rookie Fire Training every spring. Look for the advertisement in the Char-Koo-Sta.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I contact your department?
During regular business hours, you can reach us by phone at (406) 676-3755 or by emailing cskt.forestry@cskt.org
Who is eligible for your services?
Our services are available to Tribal members. Non-members may also call for information.