What Is JOM?
The purpose of the JOM program is to provide supplementary financial assistance to meet the specialized and unique educational needs of eligible JOM students. JOM funds are supplementary funds and are not to take the place of federal, state, or local funds, including programs that are supplemental to the regular school programs. The CSKT JOM program funds may not be utilized to cover any activities or expenses that do not benefit students academically or culturally. This includes any school sponsored fees, activities, or additional requirements for student participation in, but not limited to: clubs, extra-curricular activities, sports, field trips, etc., that do not benefit the students academically or culturally.
The Johnson-O’Malley Program is authorized by the Johnson-O’Malley Act of 1934 and the implementing regulations are provided in Part 273 of Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations. As amended, this Act authorizes contracts for the education of eligible Indian students enrolled in public schools and previously private schools. This local program is operated under an educational plan, approved by the BIE, which contains educational objectives to address the needs of the eligible American Indian and Alaska Native students. The Johnson-O’Malley Supplemental Indian Education Program Modernization Act (JOM Modernization Act) became Public Law 115-404 on December 31, 2018.
Johnson O’Malley programs offered to American Indian and Alaska Native students vary and may include such programs as culture, language, academics and dropout prevention.
The JOM funds that the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) receive are housed within the Tribal Education Department.
Program Manager: Miranda Burland
Phone: (406) 675-2700 ext. 1074
Mon-Thurs: 8:00am – 5:30pm
Fri: 8:00am – 12:00pm

JOM Eligibility
A Native American student is eligible for JOM benefits if the student is between age 3 through grade 12 and either:
- Is a member of a federally recognized tribe, or
- Has at least ¼ or more degree of blood from a federally recognized tribe(s)*, or
- Is a descendent of a least one parent or grandparent (living or deceased) who is a member of a federally recognized tribe
*A student can meet the ¼ or more degree blood quantum requirement through combined blood from different federally recognized tribes.
If a student’s Certificate of Indian Blood (CDIB) or other documentation also shows that the child is a member of a federally recognized tribe, then no further documentation is necessary. Otherwise, a CDIB alone is sufficient to show eligibility only if it shows that the student has ¼ degree blood quantum from a federally recognized tribe (or multiple federally recognized tribes). If a child is not yet a tribal member and the CDIB does not show ¼ blood quantum from a federally recognized tribe(s), then the CDIB alone is not sufficient to show eligibility, but the student could show eligibility by providing a letter or other documentation from the tribe explaining the circumstances (e.g., that the tribe is still processing the enrollment paperwork but the child meets tribal membership requirements).
Acceptable documentation for descendant students, would be a birth certificate(s) linking the student to the parent or grandparent who is a member of a federally recognized Tribe.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to submit all required documentation. It is the TEA’s responsibility to determine each Indian student’s eligibility and verify all forms for completeness. If incomplete, that student will not be counted as eligible for JOM funding/services until all documents have been completed.
What is the IEC?
The Indian Education Committee (IEC) consists of parents/guardians who have children in the school district who are verified as Johnson O’Malley (JOM) eligible (see below). The IEC holds the voting rights and oversees how the monies for JOM are spent each year, with the guidance from the Tribal Education Advocate (TEA). Each IEC has an established budget, based on student count. Each expenditure must meet with the top priorities from the Parent Needs Assessment (survey) that is conducted annually of only eligible parents of JOM verified students. The TEAs attend each IEC meeting regularly but are not voting member of this committee. Any parent or interested person can attend these meetings, as they are open to the public.
IEC Meetings
Our Tribal Education Advocates provide guidance and support to our Indian Education Committees (IECs) by attending meetings, processing Johnson O’Malley (JOM) funding requests and providing different trainings to the members. The TEAs follow the policy and procedures lined out in the CSKT JOM Policy Handbook and work with the IECs on their guidelines and procedures.
Below is a listing of the IEC meeting times and contact for the IEC Chairman positions.
IEC | Time and Location of Meetings | Contact Information |
Arlee | TBD | IEC Chair- Cammie Dupuis-Pablo |
Charlo | TBD | IEC Chair- Jason Nentwig |
Dayton | TBD | IEC Chair |
Dixon | TBD | IEC Chair- vacant |
Early Childhood Services | TBD | IEC Chair- vacant |
Hot Springs | TBD | IEC Chair- vacant |
Nkwusm | TBD | IEC Chair- Tashalei Nomee |
Polson | TBD | IEC Chair- vacant |
Ronan | 1st Wednesday each month; Tribal Complex | IEC Chair- Melinda Charlo |
St. Ignatius | TBD | IEC Chair- vacant |
Alfred DeRoche assists with Arlee, Nkwusm and St. Ignatius IECs.
Email: Alfred.DeRoche@cskt.org
Phone: (406)675-2700 ext. 1070
Sarah BigSam assists with Charlo, Dixon and Ronan IECs.
Email: Sarah.BigSam@cskt.org
Phone: (406)675-2700 ext. 1072
Vacant with Dayton, Hot Springs and Polson IECs.
Email: Miranda.Burland.cskt.org
Phone: (406)675-2700 ext. 1074

The NJOMA Purpose
The National Johnson-O’Malley Association, Inc. was formed as a nonprofit, educational organization for the following purposes:
- To create an effective forum for discussion of educational and related matters of mutual concern among the members of the educational community.
- To mutually develop standards of educational excellence for Indian students served by the educational programs within the United States.
- To maintain appropriate lines of communication and collaborative efforts with other public, private, tribal and federal educators and educational programs.
- To maintain formal liaisons with Tribal, State and Federal governmental agencies and other educational organizations, including but not limited to National Congress of American Indians, National Indian Education Association and other alliance organizations.
- To advocate for Johnson-O’Malley (JOM) Programs and the rights of Indian children from 3 years old through twelfth grade.
- If you would like to learn more about NJOMA visit: www.njoma.com