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Our Priorities

Cultural Values

Resolution No. 21-085 to signify the Tribes’ desire and commitment to fully integrating traditional cultural values and languages into the daily life of individuals within the reservation consistent with the Tribes’ mission and vision.

Passed July 13, 2021

Business Ownership

Resolution No. 21-086 to foster business ownership among membership consistent with the Tribes’ mission and vision.

Passed July 13, 2021


Resolution No. 21-087 proclaiming homelessness as a risk to the health, security, and general welfare of the Tribes and directing necessary resources.

Passed July 13, 2021


Resolution No. 21-094 to facilitate the right earning opportunity or job for every member who wants one consistent with the Tribes’ mission and vision.

Passed July 27, 2021


Resolution No. 21-090 proclaiming hunger as a risk to the health, security, and general welfare of the Tribes and directing necessary resources to achieve food security.

Passed July 13, 2021


Resolution No. 23-016 proclaiming climate change as a risk to the health, security and general welfare of the Tribes and directing necessary resources for climate change planning, mitigation and adaption, and to integrate resource sustainability and climate change mitigation and adaption management throughout tribal government operations.

Passed November 3, 2022


Resolution No. 21-089 proclaiming addiction as a risk to the health, security, and general welfare of the tribes and directing necessary resources.

Passed July 13, 2021

Mental Health

Resolution No. 21-088 proclaiming mental illness as a risk to the health, security, and general welfare of the tribes and directing necessary resources.

Passed July 13, 2021